Our Float Tanks are built to NSF 50 standards for sanitation and safety and meet all requirements for NSF - The Public Health and Safety Organization.  Dissolved in the water is approximately 1200 lbs. of Epsom salt. The solution creates a bacteria free environment that is a natural disinfectant.  Before each use, the solution is purified by a patented disinfection filtration system utilizing commercial Ozone oxidation as a primary disinfectant and extreme UV radiation as a secondary with advanced 3-stage filtration [20 micron, 5 micron, 1/2 micron]. Our disinfection system has been verified to perform a minimum 3-log kill (99.9%) on pathogenic microorganisms of all kinds [bacteria, virus, mold, etc.] without the use of chemicals.

Have a detailed look at the cleaning process by watching the video below.